New and Improved!

Brand new cover image is now on the paperback, hardcover, and ebook!


My novel contains some formatting errors, especially the print versions. I'm working with someone who is fixing the errors and the new editions will be beautiful! Of course, this is costing me so I'll have to raise prices. It will be worth it, though. And, who knows,...

May 30th VBT Stop

May 30th Virtual Book Tour StopRoxanne Rhoads BooklikesThis is the last stop in my Virtual Book Tour

May 27th VBT Stop

May 27th Virtual Book Tour StopA Bewitching Guide to HalloweenIncludes a short piece I wrote about using tarot to help develop story ideas

May 26th VBT Stop

May 26th Virtual Book Tour StopSynn With MeSerena SynnVBT stop and interview

May 24th VBT STop

May 24th Virtual Book Tour StopBewitching Book Tours